Multicultural Sector Support and Development Service
The Multicultural Sector Support and Development project aims to promote and support equitable access to Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funded services for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people who are frail aged, people with a disability and their carers.
What does this service do? ► Provides strategic advice, information, referral & assistance to multicultural & mainstream services to improve outcomes for frail aged and younger people with a disability and carers from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. ► Researches, identifies and reports on the needs of the frail aged, younger people with a disability & carers from a culturally & Linguistically diverse background in the Hunter to inform the CHSP planning process to ensure services are responsive to specific needs and reflect local demographics. ► Provides information and advice to culturally & linguistically diverse communities to increase their awareness of and access to appropriate CHSP services.